Sunday, March 30, 2014

Project 15

Project Calender:
Title: Dinosaur Clay Modeling and Presentation                             Duration: One Week

                                                                WEEK ONE
Notes: This week will be full of leaning about dinosaurs! Starting on Monday they will choose a dinosaur, research it, make a presentation on prezi (around 2 minutes in length), and design a clay model of their dinosaur and present their presentation and model at the end of the week. 

Today I will draw dinosaur names and give to each student. I will set aside an hour for them to research their dinosaur.

Today I will set aside another hour for them to work on their presentation and start their clay model (no more than 15 minutes on their model).          

Today There will be another hour for research and to work on their clay model. This is the last day for them to ask me final questions about their presentations and to make sure everything they need is in their presentations. 

Today we will start presentations (10 students will go today) and they will also show their clay model they designed and afterwards will get to take home to keep!

Today we will finish presentations (10 students will go today) and they will also show their clay model they designed and afterwards will get to take home to keep!

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